The event originally debuted in China in 2019, and has expanded into an international contest since 2020. The annual event has attracted many participants from colleges and universities and acted as a hub for a wealth of innovative solutions created by the contest's participants, which owes much to their creative thinking, sophisticated design, and integrated development.
This contest consists of 3 proposals:
Proposal 1: Knowledge-driven spoken dialogue;
Proposal 2: Intelligent quality inspection of lane rendering data;
Proposal 3: CTR prediction through cross-domain data from ads and news feeds.
Who can join?
Prize Pool
What’s in store?
Create or join a team by signing up to HUAWEI Developers (link)
The judging panel will review the submitted works and select 21 teams for the elite final from the 3 proposals, based on automatic scoring and feedback from experts.
The list of finalists will be published on the contest's official website.
All finalists will participate in an online competition and give presentations in person.
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